
Tuesday, 23 September 2014

most awaiting . . . Android L

Google' released its next version  of Android - - Android L  in Google I/O 2014 in late june 
(as everyone know)

Google introduced its new design principle called Material Design using its new design principle it made new substantial changes to its upcoming version of Android i.e , Android L.

Few lines about Material Design: 

Google's new design principle or visual look not only for Android also for Chrome OS and for WEB.
The  new look which was first updated in Google+ app which adapted Google's new design principles which includes refreshed iconography, typography, color splashes and lot more.

Google brought radical changes in its apps including Gmail, Calender and more. 
On stage at I/O, Google's Android head Matias Duarte speaks "Our material design is grounded in tactile reality, inspired by our study of paper and ink, yet open to imagination and magic".

Everything changes materialistically which has meaningful transitions and meaningful effects.

What are the major changes made in Android L 's  UI ?

Enhanced Notifications:

With the release of Google Wear, Android L brings changes in its notifications

Now we can see the notifications on lock screen, developers can manage this via the SystemUI visibility level and we get three levels private, public & secret.

A new presentation format has been added for high priority notifications will appear even while the device is in use,  like getting a call while any app is opened.

Android Runtime (ART)

The Dalvik Virtual Machine replacement known as Android Runtime or ART was introduced in KitKat (Android 4.4). With the 4.4 release, it was called “experimental” and optional (read about the ART introduction here). 

With Android L, ART becomes the default runtime for Android applications. Unless your application uses JNI to call C/C++, generates non-standard code with some of the development tools (like some obfuscators do), or delve into the dark science of compacting garbage collection, as a developer you should not have to code your applications any differently. 

You simply reap the benefits of this new runtime, which include ahead-of-time (AOT) compiling and improved garbage collection for better performance along with enhanced debugging capabilities like improved diagnostic details for runtime exceptions.

New Design, Runtime, connectivity, and lot more... not only these Google has made several improvements and new features that not covered here and may be covered in next post.


You can find more about Google's new material design here.

By Applogic IT Solutions India Pvt Ltd

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